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Ankhesenamun, born into Egypt's 18th Dynasty/Armana, was first named Ankhesenpaaten. She was born around 1342 BC, and was named by her “heretic” father, Pharaoh Akhenaten, Ankhesenpaaten, or “She who lives through the “Aten”.

After death of her father,(1351-1334 BC), and after marrying her half-brother and forever sweetheart, Tutankhamum, (born Tutankhaten), who became penultimate Pharoah of the 18th dynasty, 1333-1323 BC), Ankhesenpaaten changed her name to one signifying that she now represented the new state religion, that of the One god AMUN.

She took the name of ANKHESENAMUN.

As well, the young new Pharaoh changed his name from Tutankhaten to TUTANKHAMUN.

And they believed this marked a new beginning. She, Queen Ankhesenamun (‘ta sherit’, the youngest) and her beloved Tutankhamun, ruled peacefully, enjoying the delights of the countryside and cities and being loved by the Egyptian people, again freed to enjoy life themselves.

But the couple seemed as naïve as they were untutored in the ways of court dynamics, living blissfully unaware of the animosity their very existences was causing two men who the young couple trusted.

A General and a Vizier.

Questions have long been asked about the young Pharaoh and his Queen, and about their deaths.

Well actually not that long in terms of how long ago this couple lived.

But long ago for us.

You see, nothing was known of their lives, nor of their deaths, until British Archaeologist, Howard Carter, hired by the Lord Carnarvon, unearthed all unexpectedly, in 1922: the tomb of Tutankhamun. And, that is when their existences began to become known to all of us.

In the last hundred years since this discovery of their lives, archaeologists and anthropologists have studied the remains discovered in the tomb. And historians have joined in studying documents found.

And it seems their lives and their deaths had lots of mystery and behind-the-scenes stories going on. As well as right in front of our eyes, stories that, until quite recently, were totally overlooked, or mis-interpreted. In fact the lives of the young Pharaoh and his Queen were for long time interpreted as the original creator of the images on the walls of Tutankhamun's tomb wanted them to be interpreted.

But there is now new interpretation, thanks to in depth research.

And it seems that Ankhesenamun was not as naïve as her youth and beauty might lead us to believe.

However, today surfaced an article stating the hope that the Tomb of Ankhesenamun will be found. That will never happen. And the story that follows will tell you why.

Treachery and greed of a General and a VIsier is what that story is called.

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